Projets Client

Siteflow has decided to simplify its processes with leet design acoustic pods

As their teams grow, Siteflow is installing some Arches to bring peace and design to its premises.

Siteflow has decided to simplify its processes with leet design acoustic pods


Siteflow is the first company to provide a cloud-based solution for managing field operations. It allows complicated worksites such as nuclear or gas projects to be managed easily.

Client :
Taille du site :
Configuration de travail :
Collaborateurs sur le site :
Produits déployés :
5 Arches S & 1 Arche D
Usage :
Phone calls, video-conferencing, meeting rooms

Startups, grands groupes découvrez nos produits au sein de leurs environnements.

Les Arches D s’installent chez Orion

Les Arches D s’installent chez Orion

Aura Paris à choisi leet design pour son dernier aménagement

L'Arche L joins the La Fabrique by CA adventure

L'Arche L joins the La Fabrique by CA adventure

The La Fabrique by CA incubator is equipped with an Arche L phonebooth